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2017 Business Bankruptcy Filings in the USA

2017 Business Bankruptcy Filings per month in the USA:

January – 2,839
February – 2,865
March – 3,713
April – 3,360
May – 3,626
June – 3,426
July – 2,886
August – 3,255

For those extending credit terms to businesses, be sure to check their financial situation using business credit reports before taking the risk of potential default.

Trade Risk Strategies is affiliated with Experian, providing business credit reports, business […]

Business Intelligence: Way Beyond Dun & Bradstreet

Prior to establishing credit terms with a new customer, most businesses will perform due-diligence on a buyer to determine their ability to honor their obligations. The research typically includes evaluating credit reports, trade & bank references, prior payment history, and financial statements.
These methods of credit research are fairly standard but do require a certain level of skill to be able […]